Alexa Lynn
Born April 2, 2016 at 9:59 pm
6 pounds & 12 ounces, 19.5 inches
Ted and I welcomed our baby girl, Alexa Lynn, into the world on Saturday, April 2 at 9:59 pm at Greenwich Hospital. Lexi is absolutely perfect and we are so in love!
Lexi made her debut 9 days early. Her first week and a half home has been amazing and I am treasuring every moment I have with her while on maternity leave. I feel so blessed and grateful to be her mom and overwhelmed with happiness.
I had taken Friday off work to look at a couple of daycares and pick up food and preparations for an impromptu get together on Saturday for Ted's upcoming birthday. All day I wasn't feeling quite right as I was running my errands. I was planning to work from home up until my delivery, and had a sense that
maybe I wasn't going to be able to meet a Monday deadline for my month end numbers. Being the paranoid workaholic I am, I logged online and completed it
just in case.
That night we went to one of my favorite Mexican restaurants, Bodega, followed by frozen yogurt. Ted was adamant about getting our date nights in before she arrived and definitely didn't anticipate this would be the last one before we needed a babysitter. The waiter couldn't see my belly under the table and asked if I wanted a margarita. I remember thinking not now, but definitely the next time I am here I will!
Later that evening, I was up just about every hour feeling uncomfortable. I was having mild contractions and ended up getting out of bed around 5:30 am to shower and walk around. Every hour the contractions got stronger, but no pattern. I decided to text my friends that were taking the train in from Manhattan that I wasn't feeling well and canceling Ted's party.
Just in case.
Ted left for the golf course and I told him to have his phone close by. Well, I texted him right before his tee off to turnaround and come home. I was timing my contractions on an app, and it would flash a "Go to the hospital" message, haha. I spoke with my OB and was advised to come in and get checked out. Ted and I packed our bags (mine was basically ready to go) and off to the hospital we went. I was praying it wasn't a false alarm the entire ride there.
No, I didn't bring my own nautical gown to the hospital. So fitting for me!
After being hooked up on monitor for an hour, they advised that I walk around for another hour to see if I progressed, otherwise they would send me home. I paced around the hospital in a gown and socks with Ted, held my belly and begged and begged Alexa to arrive that day. She is a Belieber (she would always start kicking me in the car when I was singing along to Justin Bieber on the radio) so we even put on "Baby" for me to dance around to in our room. An hour later I was back on the monitor and was officially admitted. Phew! Needless to say, Ted let our other friends know that the party was off and I asked him to call the bakery and let them know we wouldn't be picking up the cake that afternoon. Instead, we celebrated Lexi's birthday!
I went into labor open minded and not sure if I would have an epidural or not. I quickly opted for it when I had the chance, which provided relief from contractions for a few hours. It wore off by delivery that evening as I never got the memo that I could press a button and amp it up before it was too late. I was so determined to meet her that I pushed for 10 minutes and she arrived.
(Update - I really should have added that I have never been in so much pain in my life when the epidural wore off... I was that screaming crazy lady.)
Lying in the hospital bed and looking over to see Lexi grip Ted's finger for the first time is one of the most precious memories I will ever have. Our lives are forever changed!
Welcome, Lexi. We love you!