1// Morgan Stewart of #RichKids of Beverly Hills swears by this similar
Peter Thomas Roth mask on her blog,
boobs and loubs. They both have the same active ingredient, 10% sulfur. The other version was the only one available at Sephora so I ordered it during their last promotion. She has gorgeous glowy skin... and I will try whatever she does if it's in my budget.
I wanted to try it a few times before posting about it... I plan to continue using this at least 2x a week based on my experience so far. My skin feels great after and it has helped clear up my recent breakouts.
On a side note I am looking forward to season 2 of #RKOBH. “The thing about us is that we’re constantly either trying to be skinny, or eating.”
2// I don't know why it is called lip cream... don't let that deter you. It is a lip plumping gloss. I like that there are no sparkles and the color is neutral so it's perfect for everyday wear. I will never own enough lip glosses.
3// This "Holy Grail" blush doesn't need much explaining... I haven't used it in a long time but continue to see it all over blogs and magazines. It's back in the arsenal for a peachy pink glow this spring and summer.
Anyone else try this mask?