It's been a couple weeks since Lexi's 4th superhero themed birthday at home. We certainly weren't planning to celebrate under quarantine circumstances with just our little family.... I did everything I could think of to make it special with surprises throughout the day.

When I asked Lexi what kind of birthday she wanted to have back in January, she told me PJ Masks. I wasn't sure if that would still be her favorite show by April, so sold her on a pink and purple superhero theme.

A surprise balloon delivery from My Balloon Guy. It's still in the dining room, becoming a permanent fixture haha.

Lexi's rainbow layer explosion cake is from DiMare Pastry Shop. It was delicious! The toppers were intended for her party cupcakes.

Each layer of frosting between the cake was a different color.. and sprinkles galore!

Thanks to family and friends for all the gifts to keep this little girl occupied while she is at home. She was thrilled with new toys, clothes and art supplies. A few friends even drove by to wish her a happy birthday and drop off gifts, which she loved.
Lexi missed having her grandparents to celebrate. We FaceTimed with Ted's parents and since mine are local they drove over. They stayed in the car while Lexi and Chase ran around in circles and watched them play. She loved seeing them, but it made me incredibly sad not to be able to give them a hug. Standing in the driveway 6-feet away while Lexi and I showed them the cake will be a long lasting Covid-19 memory.

The big gift from Mom and Dad was a purple bike. It looks like Lexi is flying down the street with her cape in the wind... but she actually was screaming "Help! I can't move!" She's finally "getting the hang of it" as she says and enjoying her bike.

A few thank yous to her friends for thinking of her on her 4th birthday. Dropping them off in mailboxes turned into a much needed activity to get out of the house.
Happy 4th Birthday, Lexi, we love you to infinity and beyond!
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