Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New York City Blogger Blitz

via Instagram
Sunday night I went to a blogger meet-up hosted by {av} of {long distance loving} at The Barrel Room at City Winery. It was an amazing experience!

It was an stylish group of bloggers to say the least and among them a few familiar faces. The first was Michelle of Try, Take Chances, Make Mistakes. We met at Grand Central and traveled down to SoHo together - seriously you would think we were old friends chatting on the subway! (I actually went to high school with her cousins - spotted in one of her posts this summer. Crazy small world.)

Posing with the lovely hostess! Jaclyn of A Day in the Life and Mind put together a cute recap and kindly let me borrow this photo. Sheena of Shanelè posted the full list of attendees with her weekend update - start blog hopping!

Bloggers, spot your city? Check out the Blitz details here!


  1. I'm jealous of your blogger meet up! I wish this blogger blitz was coming to Seattle :( looks like you had a blast!

  2. You have to teach me your ways... I'm failing miserably!

  3. sounds like fun!


  4. I'm going to the one in DC on the 11th! I can't wait. Glad you loved it! xo Lisa

  5. How fun is that!? I want to do a blogger meet up!


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