Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday's Fancies

It's the weekend! I have opted to stay in and relax, catch up on my DVR and some important reading. March subscriptions are beginning to arrive, I need to make room! I've looked at just about all of the pictures, can't say I have read the articles. And this isn't all of them, I'm an addict. (Yes, that is Teen Vogue don't judge me. I questioned whether this was still appropriate when Justin Beiber was in the mailbox last fall.)

Once again I'm linking up to Friday's Fancies hosted by {av} of {long distance loving} to choose my "dream" outfit for the night. Very low-key given my agenda, but I threw in some diamonds. Why not?

"Friday's Fancies" Polyvore

Have a fabulous weekend!


1 comment

  1. a) so happy you linked up!
    b) I'm a magazine addict too... ;)
    c) love this cozy outfit and the sound of your weekend!
    much love my dear, hope you'll join in again soon! xoxo {av}


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