Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nautical by Nature

A big thank you to Kate at Nautical by Nature for featuring a picture I submitted today on her fabulous blog! I love her site and as you can see have been a long time fan of nautical inspired fashion.

Kate mentioned that Teddy went to Massachusetts Maritime Academy. I went to Lehigh and met him after our college days. I never saw him in his uniform until this past Halloween, when somehow I convinced him to break one out!



  1. LOVVE IT! Both pictures!! You look like your mom with blonde hair! Gooooo TEDDY! DO you realize it is 7:30 and I have not had lunch? haha hmmm....also I have always wanted to be a sailor girl for Halloween, we is scuuurrry....that and Sandra D :) The bad black leather pants one.

  2. My boss used to teach at MMA (I work at a maritime company)! :)

  3. You look adorable honey! My blog makeover giveaway ends tomorrow. Make sure to enter if you haven't already! Kori xoxo

  4. My boyfriend goes to The Naval Academy! I was a sailor as well! I love this, and your blog! I will be following for certain! Lovely couple!


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